NASA Nebraska Space Grant
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Fellowships
Limited to U.S. Citizens
Graduate and undergraduate students are eligible to apply
Full-time and part-time students are eligible to apply
Underrepresented minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply
Students must attend one of the Nebraska Space Grant Consortium institutions during the entire timeframe of the funding (fellowships may end in December for graduating seniors or students planning to transfer to another institution).
NASA is interested in the development of the future workforce for the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. These competitive fellowships are awarded to those students with academic achievement and demonstrated interest in STEM careers. The goal of the program is to recruit and retain students in STEM fields, providing them with workforce skills to prepare them for employment with NASA or the aerospace industry. The fellowships require engagement in STEM fields, and therefore are not traditional scholarships. Students must propose a workforce development activity, research project, internship, or similar project for their fellowship.
Deadline and Funding Period: Applications are due on May 20 of every year. Fellowships are normally funded from September through April during an academic year. See the application details for specific funding periods and deadlines.
Fellowships will require a letter from a faculty member at your institution who agrees to serve as your faculty mentor.
Click here to link to the application portal.