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Nebraska Space Ambassadors

Blue Marble Activity: Using Earth for Planetary Comparisons

​This activity is designed to introduce students to geologic processes on Earth and how to identify geologic features in images. It will also introduce students to how scientists use Earth to gain a better understanding of other planetary bodies in the solar system.

Grade Levels: 3-12+

  1. Prezi Link:

  2. Blue Marble Teachers Guide (NASA Original)

  3. Blue Marble Student Guide (NASA Original)

  4. Blue Marble Student Guide Millard South Version (to go with the Prezi)

Contact Mike Edmundson, Millard South High School, with questions.

NASA STEM Forward to the Moon

The Moon 2024 Education Guide is published by NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement to accompany the STEM Education segment of the Apollo Anniversary broadcast aired on NASA TV July 19, 2019. While it may be used in both formal and informal educational settings, the target audience for the chosen activities are middle school students in informal educational settings or families in the home setting. The guide tells the story of NASA’s plans to go forward to the Moon by the year 2024 through hands-on STEM activities. It is outlined to immerse students in the ideas, concepts and experiences that make mission planning, operations, exploration and sustainability on the Moon possible.

1. Click on the image below to access the Educators Guide

Screen Shot 2019-10-01 at 2.03.33 PM.png

Strange New Planet

Strange New Planet is a hands-on, exploratory investigation of how man explores the solar system. Students find out how human curiosity in planetary exploration results in science questions, engineering solutions, and teamwork. This activity demonstrates how planetary features are discovered through the use of telescopes, spacecrafts and missions to the planets surface. Students will experience the different phases in planetary exploration, including ground and space-based telescope observations, fly by missions, orbiters, landers, rovers…and their own ideas about human exploration. By mimicking the different types of space explorations, students will understand how each mission tells a new and different story about the strange new planet.  

1. NASA Strange New Planet Teacher Resource Guide

2. NSA Strange New Planet Student Guide

Contact Mike Edmundson, Millard South High School, with questions.

NSA Teacher Terri Greenleaf Resource Page

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