NASA Nebraska Space Grant
Walthill Public School
I currently teach high school science at Walthill Public School. Throughout my 20 years as a science teacher I have searched for ways to increase my knowledge of space science through participation in space related conferences both as an attendee and a presenter. I was fortunate enough to be selected as a Nebraska Space Ambassador in 2012, and since then have enjoyed all the opportunities that have been available to me to be a resource to area teachers.
I have always been fascinated with stars, space, and NASA. When I was a little girl living in Alaska, I would spend my time, during the long winter days, building models of all of NASA’s rockets and space capsules and reading everything I could about space and NASA.
When I got older (don’t think I ever “grew up.”) I decided to become a science teacher. I was (and still am) so fascinated by all things science, that I wanted to share my love of science with others and I figured that being a science teacher was the best way to accomplish this goal.
You can contact me at tgreenleaf@walthillschool.org if you have any questions or maybe need some resources for a lesson you are teaching.
I am looking at doing another workshop at ESU1 in Wakefield sometime in June of this year. This workshop will be like my last one – hands on NASA and other space activities that you can take back to your classrooms with an emphasis on engineering.
Terri's website: https://sites.google.com/walthillschool.org/greenleaf/home