NASA Nebraska Space Grant
Welcome to the NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium
Current EPSCoR Opportunities
Please see neepscor.org for more info.
Nebraska Space Grant Fellowships
*Stay tuned for FY26 opportunities*
The Nebraska Space Grant awards fellowships for student research and educational opportunities.
Nebraska Space Grant Mini-Grants
*Stay tuned for FY26 opportunities*
The Nebraska Space Grant offers Higher Education Mini-Grants and Research Mini-Grants. These grants are available to Nebraska educators and researchers.
Mini-Grant & Fellowship Informational Zoom Session:
An informational Zoom session was held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 from 10:00am-11:00am regarding our NASA Nebraska Space Grant Fellowship and Mini-Grant Competition. While this session was for FY25, the recording of the session can be found here for those interested in learning more about these opportunities.
NASA Internships
NASA Centers across the U.S. offer a variety of internships.
Many of these internships require funding from the state-based Space Grant Consortia for the internship stipends. This requires applying to both NASA and the Nebraska Space Grant.
Please see the Opportunities page for more information and deadlines regarding the Mini-Grant, Fellowship, and Internship opportunities. Also check the NASA Nebraska EPSCoR website for additional opportunities.
Educator Opportunities

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NASA Nebraska Space Grant is part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. We are one of 52 Space Grant Consortiums in the United States and have been successfully promoting aerospace-related activities within the state since 1991.
The Nebraska Space Grant Consortium is awarded funds to develop research infrastructure and enhance the quality of aerospace research and education throughout the state.
To enhance the quality of life for Nebraskans through continuous research, fellowship and scholarship funding, and public service related to aeronautics and aerospace.
This grant allows Nebraska colleges and universities to engage in research, education, and public service programs related to aeronautics, space sciences, and technology.
Nebraska Space Grant supports several aerospace-education and outreach efforts within the state. These include High Altitude Ballooning (HAB), NASA-specific professional development for teachers, the Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, and other conferences and events.